Seven Reasons for You to Plan a Trip to Manali in Winters

Whether Solo Travellers, Families, or Honeymoon couples, Manali is the ultimate holiday destinations. Every year thousands of people visit Manali.

Earlier people used to visit Manali only in summers. But with better amenities, people have started coming to enjoy Manali in winters. There are plenty of experiences in Manali that are better in winters. You will find plenty of people who prefer visiting Manali in winters nowadays.

In this article, we will tell you 7 Reasons for travelling to Manali in winters.
Snow and Snowmen, everywhere!

Winters in Manali are the time when the entire panorama is blanketed by snow. Behold the majestic Himalayas under a thick white sheet of snow.

In winters, you can enjoy the chilly weather and crisp layer of snow all around. You can have fun playing in the snow, doing snowball fights, and making snowmen. You can even find Snow slides if you’re lucky. It all feels like the dream that Disney implanted in all of us since our childhoods. 🙂

Snow sports and adventure

Snow in Manali makes the perfect condition for almost every snow activity. When visiting Manali in winters, you can also enjoy all types of snow activities like snow sledging, skiing, snow scooter rides, etc.

If you’ve kids, then you’re making a memory of a lifetime for them by visiting Manali in winters.

Fewer Tourists

People like to visit hill stations in summers, and Manali is no exception. Except for Christmas week, Manali is not crowded in winters.

Especially if you’re a lone traveller, Manali in winters will give the escape for which you’re looking. Also, the local culture stands out and doesn’t blend in the chaos of city dwellers like in the peak season.

Budget Trip to Manali with Great deals on hotels

Since winter is the off-season here, most hotels in Manali in winters offer massive discounts. Most discounts fall somewhere in the range of 35%-45% off on regular prices.

The winter discounts on hotels and government stay options in Manali starts around mid-November and ends by March.

A Trip to Hadimba Temple in Manali in winters

A serene and calm spiritual place surrounded by Pine trees in summers, Hadimba Devi Temple has now also become one of the prime spots in the tourist hill city of Manali in winters. Especially, if there is a snowfall. Capture some memories by snapping pictures, while children are busy in playing with snow.

Manali Winter Carnival

Manali Winter Carnival takes places either in January or February. Initially, it started as a skiing competition. But over the years, it becomes a kaleidoscope of cultures with folk dances, street plays, band competition and of course adventure sports.

Experience the local marketplace adorn with vibrant handicrafts souvenirs that you can take back home. Attending Manali Winter Festival will give you a true flavour of Himachal. Don’t forget to glut your tummies in Himachali Food Festival.

Plan your Trip to Manali in Winters

You do not need to have an entire week to enjoy a trip here. Even just 3-4 days will do. Board an overnight bus from your home town, and reach Manali. For return journey too, hop-in an evening bus from Manali to your home by early morning while you can sleep through the journey.

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